Tuesday 20 October 2015

After my pictures of Shakespeare characters I thought I would follow up with a little Quiz. The questions and answers are taken from the book I have just published on Kindle titled “Shakespeare at a Glance”. A handy guide to who is who in the plays by Shakespeare. All the answers are posted below so don’t be too hard on yourselves.


Question 1       Who said? "But love is blind, and lovers cannot see."
Question 2       Who said? "If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?"
Question 3       Who said? "Why, then the world 's mine oyster."
Question 4       Who said? "This is the short and the long of it."
Question 5       Who said? "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."

How are you doing so far? Just a few more to test yourself with.

Question 6       Which play did Alice appear in and what was her role?
Question 7       Which play did Audrey appear in and what was her role?
Question 8       Which play did Constance appear in and what was her role?
Question 9       Which play did Elbow appear in and what was his role?
Question 10     Which play did Gremio appear in and what was his role?
Question 11     Which play did Mustard Seed appear in and what was his role?
Question 12     Which play did Quintus appear in and what was his role?

I think that may be enough of that I hope you managed to get some right answers. The full list of answers are set out below.

Question 1.      Jessica in the Merchant of Venice Act II Scene VI
Question 2.      Shylock in the Merchant of Venice Act III Scene I
Question 3       Pistol in The Merry Wives of Windsor Act II Scene II
Question 4       Mistress Quickly in The Merry Wives of Windsor Act II Scene II
Question 5       The Witches in Macbeth Act IV Scene I
Question 6       Alice appeared in King Henry V as a Lady attending Princess Katherine
Question 7       Audrey appeared in As You Like It as a country wench
Question 8       Constance appeared in The Life and Death of King John as the mother of Arthur
Question 9       Elbow appeared in Measure for Measure as a simple Constable
Question 10     Gremio appeared in The Taming of the Shrew as a Suitor to Bianca
Question 11     Mustard Seed appeared in A Mid-Summers Night Dream as a Fairy

Question 12     Quintus appeared in Titus Andronicus as the Son of Titus Andronicus

Wednesday 14 October 2015

No prizes for guessing where I went yesterday.

William Shakespeare


Prince Hal

Lady Macbeth

The River Avon

The Jester

Falstaff Again. What a character.

They are all at Stratford upon Avon of course. Well worth a trip.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Another day going through old files on my computer and discarding some of the rubbish that has accumulated. I came across a poem about Oxford that I wrote a while ago and thought it may be worth posting to see if there is any feedback. Yesterday was also a little out of the ordinary as I published my second book "Three of a Kind" on Kindle. It's three short stories and quite different in nature to my first Kindle book "Reflections Tall Stories and Short Poems". Anyhow try my poem and see what you think.

David Higgins

I can almost see Oxford from here
Dreaming Spires lazy picnics cloudy beer
Eights on the Thames rowing as one
Students in punts just having fun
Willow strokes leather around the Parks
Retire to the pub for high jinks and larks
Bicycles leaning against college walls
Sightseeing parties obstructing the Broad.

I can almost see Oxford from here
Clean-cut athletes on cinders appear
The starters gun fires to signal the off
Straight down to business for eager young Toffs
Ibbotson sets the pace Bannister sits poised
He wins in sub four listen to the noise
History was made on the Iffley road track
The standard was set no going back.

I can almost see Oxford from here
The Izigonis revolution is near
Tired models and staid old designs
Choking life from the factory lines
Enter the Mini cool funky and fun
Bright colours turn heads of both old and the young
It’s had a face-lift or two in its time
Larger more comfy than old ones of mine.

I can almost see Oxford from here
Fans rise to their feet and cheer
Ron Atkinson Tony Jones Maurice Kyle
Use a mixture of brute force and guile
To dash Blackburn’s cup dreams once more
Division one side are ousted by four
Dreams of Wembley were quickly dashed
Preston North End and Kendal saw to that.

I can see Oxford from here
Mist that descended has cleared
Cars still roll from assembly lines
Foreign owned but never mind
United have moved from the old Manor Ground
To the Kassam stadium with seats all around
Dark Blue sportsmen play hard but fair
Forging bonds that in business later they’ll share
Colleges still attract the cream of the crop
Brilliant young minds who strive for the top.